by Kathy Lee
At this point in your pregnancy, you should already have your child care concerns finalized. Now is when you want to concentrate all your thoughts and energies preparing for the arrival of your precious new addition...
If you’re going to leave your child with someone for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to find out what type of atmosphere will surround your baby...
Child care costs are as varied as the care models themselves, all with a diverse demographic that adds to the complexity of coming up with average costs you can use as a guide...
It’s not enough to have your child enrolled in pretty surroundings if those surroundings don’t have any positive impact on their all-around well being...
Although I can provide you with a lot of information and guidance right here on this site, there's some additional advantages to be gained by connecting to those sites listed on my Resource Center...
I've written about the importance of learning all about your caregiver's philosophy and qualifications, but let's get more specific about three areas of concern: the continuity of care, the routines they develop...
Get all the help and information you need when you need it, no matter where you live. Links to all the places on the internet that can disseminate up-to-date support mechanisms are at your fingertips.
You can apply everything I've said about caregiver philosophy and qualifications in general as it applies to infants and toddlers, but at some point in time...
Even though I am no longer in the classroom every day as a teacher, in my recent capacity as Associate Director, I still would have daily interactions with....
"Mommy, I don't feel so good".Oh, those words we dread hearing. Practice them in your mind and make preparations while they're just an annoying thought so when the time does come...
Is it possible that one can be passionate about a curriculum? Absolutely; especially if that person has already devoted thirty five wonderful years working in the career field of Early...
The late David Weikart, High Scope's founder, originally established it as a camp program for talented adolescents. The name "High" was chosen to signify the aspiration level, and...
Dear Reader: Assisting parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and just about anyone looking for Child Care for their infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is my main motivation for creating this site...
I have been in the Early Care and Education field for over 35 years, ten of them as a classroom teacher, eight years as a Center Director, and for five years as the Infant Toddler Specialist at the Child Care Council of...
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CONTACT INFORMATION: EMAIL: PHONE: 516-660-0350 MAILING ADDRESS: Kathy Lee, 24001 Calle de la Magdelena #2055, Laguna Hills, CA 92654
Sinking Your Teeth Into The Biting Issue.
Child Care Information About Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
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No Strings Attached!
The news is exactly what you’ve been waiting to hear. “You’re pregnant!!!”
It’s time to consider when to call everyone you know with the good news; your best friend, your folks, your boss, who did you possibly forget? You have to start making a list of names, go online and check maternity wear, start figuring your due-date, begin picking out baby names, you don’t want to forget a thing.
Whoa, slow down; what about child care?
“Child care? I’m only eight weeks pregnant!”
Welcome to the real world of finding a caregiver. You can’t start planning too soon. Ask yourself this: “Can I afford to never go back to work?” If I can, then I can relax and not deal with this problem; but if I can’t, I’ll probably have to return once my baby is eight weeks old. “Eight weeks old? How can I possibly leave my child with someone at only eight weeks old?”
It’s a harsh reality that thousands of mothers (and fathers) everywhere are having to face. Not only is it important to choose the caregiver that’s going to be responsible for your baby’s well being, but whether or not your chosen one is even available at the time you’re ready to separate. You might even become outwardly emotional or inwardly apprehensive, there just aren’t sufficient adjectives to describe the range of emotions you might experience when having to hand over your precious baby to a stranger. However, the transition might not be as problematic as I painted it here, because depending on your temperament and the reassuring manner of your caregiver, the very first time might not cause you or your baby any stress at all.
Take a deep breath and realize that there are resources available to you in finding the perfect fit for you and your child. As varied as the caregiver philosophies and the physical structures they’re in might be, so are the modalities of care. For a complete list of program options I copied from the New York State Office of Children & Family Services, click here: WWW.OCFS.STATE.NY.US Be aware that this is only for NYS; for all other states visit the WWW.NACCRRA.ORG and enter your zip code. Please note that both sites are bilingual.
Bottom line; go with your intuition. How much transition time will it take before you and your baby are totally comfortable at the facility? Should you build up slowly every day until you’re both at ease with spending a full day apart? Do you choose to stay off to the side in the same area to observe your baby or would you prefer an observation room? How long each day will you spend with your baby at the center until you reach your comfort level? How many days before you’re able to drop off your baby and go straight to work? All these questions can get answers when you work out a plan well in advance with your chosen caregiver.
Don't Forget to read:
Learn All About Your Potential Caregiver's Philosophy and Qualifications
in your next step toward creating a perfect child care experience.
Sinking Your Teeth Into The Biting Issue.
Let me set the scene: You’re at a friend’s house. All of the children are happily engaged in play at the other end of the room. Suddenly, you hear your two-year-old daughter scream. She comes running to you crying while pointing to a mark on her arm. You look at the arm and see that your child has been bitten.
The first thing you need to know is biting is a very common behavior among toddlers. The most typical reason is that it is one of the few effective ways for them to communicate before development of their verbal skills. But not all children bite. Some choose other forms of communication when dealing with their anger or frustration. These include grabbing and shoving. Because these actions rarely leave a mark, we are often unaware that there was an altercation. It’s the bite mark that draws the attention and criticism.
Toddlers’ limited language skills cause them to bite when expressing their frustration. They don’t have the words to say, “I had it first” or “You’re in my space. Many realize that if someone takes their toy, biting them gets it back. They’re not biting because they’re “mean” children, it’s just a cause & effect solution to a problem that they have developed. Toddlers may also bite because they’re teething, hungry, or just because at this stage, they’re still orally fixated and tend to put everything in their mouths. Giving your child words such as “it’s mine” or “walk away” can help them express themselves better. For the teething, make sure you offer something to bite, like teething toys or a cold washcloth.
Your reaction to the biting is important. If your child was the one who bit, firmly tell her that “We don’t bite; biting hurts”. Keep it short and sweet. When you start lecturing with “What you did really hurt Nicole and now she’s crying”, it becomes a jumble of too many words and your child may lose the real message.
What I found that truly helps, is having the child that did the biting, help care for the child that was bitten. I always ask the permission of the bitten child because they might be afraid that it will happen again. Seeing the other child cry and being able to help soothe them makes little biters sympathetic.
Recommended Books:
Teeth Are Not For Biting
by Elizabeth Verdick
(Free Spirit, 8.99)
No Biting
by Karen Katz
(Penguin, 8.99)
Little Dinos Don't Bite
by Michael Dahl
(Picture Window Books, 7.14)
You're Pregnant. Now's The Time To Get
Information About Child Care Planning.