by Kathy Lee

At this point in your pregnancy, you should already have your child care concerns finalized. Now is when you want to concentrate all your thoughts and energies preparing for the arrival of your precious new addition...

If you’re going to leave your child with someone for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to find out what type of atmosphere will surround your baby...

Child care costs are as varied as the care models themselves, all with a diverse demographic that adds to the complexity of coming up with average costs you can use as a guide...

It’s not enough to have your child enrolled in pretty surroundings if those surroundings don’t have any positive impact on their all-around well being...

Although I can provide you with a lot of information and guidance right here on this site, there's some additional advantages to be gained by connecting to those sites listed on my Resource Center...

I've written about the importance of learning all about your caregiver's philosophy and qualifications, but let's get more specific about three areas of concern: the continuity of care, the routines they develop...

Get all the help and information you need when you need it, no matter where you live. Links to all the places on the internet that can disseminate up-to-date support mechanisms are at your fingertips.

You can apply everything I've said about caregiver philosophy and qualifications in general as it applies to infants and toddlers, but at some point in time...

Even though I am no longer in the classroom every day as a teacher, in my recent capacity as Associate Director, I still would have daily interactions with....

"Mommy, I don't feel so good".Oh, those words we dread hearing. Practice them in your mind and make preparations while they're just an annoying thought so when the time does come...

Is it possible that one can be passionate about a curriculum? Absolutely; especially if that person has already devoted thirty five wonderful years working in the career field of Early...

The late David Weikart, High Scope's founder, originally established it as a camp program for talented adolescents. The name "High" was chosen to signify the aspiration level, and...

Dear Reader: Assisting parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and just about anyone looking for Child Care for their infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is my main motivation for creating this site...

I have been in the Early Care and Education field for over 35 years, ten of them as a classroom teacher, eight years as a Center Director, and for five years as the Infant Toddler Specialist at the Child Care Council of...

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in the months ahead.

Look for my articles on the importance of your child being engaged in

Music, Movement, Early Literacy,

Art, and Sign Language,  

as well as my continuing series

additions of CHILD CARE Tips  

Child Care Information about Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers at

Keep in mind that I may receive commissions when you click links in this blog and make purchases. This does not however impact any reviews or comparisons I may make.

I try my best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.  

© 2019 owned & operated by Creative Lees, Inc.  All rights reserved. maintained by

Child Care Information about Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers at

CONTACT INFORMATION:   EMAIL:        PHONE: 516-660-0350         MAILING ADDRESS: Kathy Lee, 24001 Calle de la Magdelena #2055, Laguna Hills, CA 92654

Sinking Your Teeth Into The Biting Issue.

I Can't Talk. But I Still Have A Lot To Say.

A Preschooler's Need To Deal With Jealousy.

Time To Switch Me To Solid Food.

Losing Your Sleep Over Bedtime Issues.

Taking A Fun Trip With Your Infant And Toddler.

Hot Topic: Using Sunscreen Consistently.

Child Care Information About Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers


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Although I can provide you with a lot of information and guidance right here on this site, there’s some additional advantages to be gained by connecting to those sites listed on my Resource Center page. These organizations include non-profits dedicated to specific fields within the child care category and provide resources that go deeper into a particular subject.

Take the Child Care Council for instance. Their depth of assistance includes all the areas important to the industry as a whole: counseling and referrals directly to families and to businesses that require this assistance for their employees, professional development, assistance and training for potential and currently active providers, and in general, as an informational resource, database, and voice for child care issues that concern all those in their demographic areas.  In this case there are two; a Nassau and a Suffolk county branch.

In addition, I provide you with links and basic contact information to organizations who specialize in certain age segments and also the state agency that deals with all child care matters as it applies to the legal and public assistance options important to state residents, and I also link you to a national entity that allows you to investigate all the same links in every state of the union and a myriad of other concerns that involve us nationallly. Plus, I include an educational resource for child care professionals that provides educational opportunities and options online.

In most of the articles on this site, you’ll notice that I occasionally link to my resources for clarification of a particular subject I am discussing. The links are designed in such a way that when you’re done utilizing the references and close that site, you’re right back here. In that way, you’ll never lose your place when taking a side trip to investigate an interest.

As I discover new organizations, or rediscover established organizations I might have overlooked, I will add them to my Resource Center page. I want you to have all the assistance you can get when it comes time to make an educated decision as where, why, how, and when you place your child in child care.


To Toilet, Or Not To Toilet.

There, I’ve said the word “toilet”, describing the most frustrating learning experience for children and parents alike, and the age old question for new parents that eventually surfaces; “When will they be ready?”

The first thing you have to realize is that you are no longer in charge. Complete control remains in the hands of the child. Making them sit on the potty when they have little interest in doing so only causes aggravation and frustration for everyone concerned.

A child learns to use the toilet appropriately in a developmental process that starts with gentle encouragement after children seem to offer clues about their toilet readiness. If they’re pressured before they’re physically and intellectually able, or are punished for toilet accidents, this could turn into an unhealthy and intense struggle.

The best way to get things going is by putting out the potty and simply encouraging your child to just sit on it.  If she shows no interest to learn, stop.

Don’t force them, just try again at another time. Remember too that many young children are frightened by the size, noise, and quick water movements. Parents should take their alarm into consideration by giving simple answers to their inevitable questions of “Where does it go?” and “Will I fall in?”

Encourage him to sit for short periods of time and be there to respond to his needs at key times, like after meals, before naps, and once he is comfortable and awake after a nap.  Most important, part of their learning process should include knowing that other than products of elimination, no objects should be put into the toilet and no playing around the toilet is acceptable.

Here are some signs indicating that your child is ready for toilet training:

-Your child can point to wet or soiled clothes and ask to be changed.

-Your child can stay dry for long periods of time, including overnight.

-Your child has words for using the toilet.

-Your child can stand and sit down without assistance.

-Your child can pull her pants up and down alone.

Additional lessons:

This is a good time to teach correct names for body parts and bodily functions. The goal here is to reinforce the fact that all parts of the body are good and all body functions are natural. At the same time, they should become aware that their bodies are private and they can have privacy when on the toilet. It’s also a good time to let them know that if anyone makes them feel uncomfortable, they should always be able to come to you.

Recommended Books:

Your New Potty

by Joanne Cole

(Harper Trophy, $3.95)

Once Upon A Potty

by Alona Frankel

(Barron's, $6.95)

Toilet Learning

by Allison Mack

(Little Brown, $3.95)

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