by Kathy Lee
At this point in your pregnancy, you should already have your child care concerns finalized. Now is when you want to concentrate all your thoughts and energies preparing for the arrival of your precious new addition...
If you’re going to leave your child with someone for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to find out what type of atmosphere will surround your baby...
Child care costs are as varied as the care models themselves, all with a diverse demographic that adds to the complexity of coming up with average costs you can use as a guide...
It’s not enough to have your child enrolled in pretty surroundings if those surroundings don’t have any positive impact on their all-around well being...
Although I can provide you with a lot of information and guidance right here on this site, there's some additional advantages to be gained by connecting to those sites listed on my Resource Center...
I've written about the importance of learning all about your caregiver's philosophy and qualifications, but let's get more specific about three areas of concern: the continuity of care, the routines they develop...
Get all the help and information you need when you need it, no matter where you live. Links to all the places on the internet that can disseminate up-to-date support mechanisms are at your fingertips.
You can apply everything I've said about caregiver philosophy and qualifications in general as it applies to infants and toddlers, but at some point in time...
Even though I am no longer in the classroom every day as a teacher, in my recent capacity as Associate Director, I still would have daily interactions with....
"Mommy, I don't feel so good".Oh, those words we dread hearing. Practice them in your mind and make preparations while they're just an annoying thought so when the time does come...
Is it possible that one can be passionate about a curriculum? Absolutely; especially if that person has already devoted thirty five wonderful years working in the career field of Early...
The late David Weikart, High Scope's founder, originally established it as a camp program for talented adolescents. The name "High" was chosen to signify the aspiration level, and...
Dear Reader: Assisting parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and just about anyone looking for Child Care for their infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is my main motivation for creating this site...
I have been in the Early Care and Education field for over 35 years, ten of them as a classroom teacher, eight years as a Center Director, and for five years as the Infant Toddler Specialist at the Child Care Council of...
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Child Care Information about Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers at
CONTACT INFORMATION: EMAIL: PHONE: 516-660-0350 MAILING ADDRESS: Kathy Lee, 24001 Calle de la Magdelena #2055, Laguna Hills, CA 92654
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Child Care Information About Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
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Even though I am no longer in the classroom every day as a teacher, in my more recent capacity as an Associate Director, I still would have daily interactions with all the children and their parents and occasionally fill in when a classroom teacher had to be out for some reason or the other. I also would assist the teachers in planning their daily activities and solving any problems that they might be confronting. The life of a dedicated teacher is one that doesn’t cease when you get involved in administrative duties, because the love of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is innate and has no boundary markers. In fact, at Christmas time and on birthdays and special events throughout the year, I continue to receive holiday cards, family newsletters, and updates from families whose children I took care of when they were just infants; kids who are now in high school and beyond.
The reason I mention this is because most of the teachers you’ll come in contact with are dedicated individuals with advanced degrees in subjects that matter most to your children, qualifying them to teach education on a higher level. These are usually people who are eager to be part of young children’s growth and development and willing to sacrifice higher wages in the private and public school sector in exchange for the satisfying rewards of building a child’s positive introduction to life.
From the first day you dropped your child off at the preschool classroom to the day you returned to pick up a well adjusted, happy child, you can thank your caring classroom teacher for the creation of the positive atmosphere that relieved separation anxiety for you both.
Preschool teachers know how to introduce preschoolers to the world of school. They have the training, special skills, and demeanor to successfully help children develop language, vocabulary, and social skills, while also learning the basics of science and math concepts through the use of games, storytelling, and other related activities.
They’re proficient in teaching children how to cooperate in any environment, keeping them safe, while being able to coordinate and interact with other teachers and their parents. Some study psychology while some study family and consumer science to develop the skills to communicate issues affecting families and their children. Whatever special skill they have chosen to develop, activities such as dance, art, music, or even cooking, are some of the special educational possibilities they might bring to your child’s awareness. Look for all these things when you interview your caregiver for the first time. Ask them if you could spend some time in the classroom to observe. If you discover a caregiver that offers a curriculum staffed by the kind of teachers I just described, you will create a bond with that individual for a lifetime. After all, what’s more important to you at this time than the person who loves your child as much as you do.
Time To Switch Me To Solid Food.
Every once in a while life with baby introduces a new milestone. This time your little one is getting ready to switch from breast feeding to solid food, and it’s a major event in both your lives.
For your baby, it’s not just a matter of getting nourishment in a new way, it’s a whole set of new skills to learn and new enjoyments to experience.
Just like everything else, it’s a good idea to follow cues from your baby about when it’s the best time to start, but general research shows that you should wait until at least 4 months of age before considering the move in order to avoid significant health problems.
You’ll begin to observe the indicators that signal that your baby might be ready to go from breast milk and formula to something more solid by noting the absence of tongue thrust. It’s a reflex action that’s exhibited by her pushing her tongue out when something is placed in her mouth. If she’s going to swallow food it’s important that this reflex is gone.
At this time she must also have solid head and neck control. She must be strong enough to support the weight of her own head in order to be able to turn it away to communicate to you that she is full, and she must also be able to sit up fairly well on her own.
Here’s some other tips that make the whole process easier:
●︎ Let him try out the high chair for a few days, getting used to sitting upright for a time. Balancing him on your lap is not the way to go.
● Use a small plastic bowl and plastic baby spoon; it’s much gentler on his gums than a metal one.
● Give him his own spoon to play with while you feed him to avoid the inevitable spoon tug of war.
● Let him play with his food. Babies that can experience the taste on their own before you put a spoon full of it in their mouths are more easily fed when they know what’s coming.
● Keep introducing rejected foods. It’s all part of the process. Introducing different flavors and textures is part of their learning. You might have to do it several times until they accept the taste of it.
● Start feeding when your baby is in a happy mood and a little bit hungry. If you’re not certain, whet his appetite with a little breast milk or formula in the very beginning.
● Watch out for food allergies. Because some reactions might take a few days to reveal themselves, try to space out introducing new foods until four days have passed. Others might begin immediately or a few hours after ingestion. It might be a good idea to check with your pediatrician to find out out what he recommends being on the alert for.
Finally, watch for feeding cues. If you keep on feeding them when they give you signals that they’re full (turns his head away, clamps his mouth shut, grows antsy, or throws his food) you’re showing him how to ignore his body’s’ signals, which will lead to weight and health problems down the road. In addition, don’t feed him when you’re in a rush or are short on patience. A child can sense these vibes and we want this to be a positive experience for you both.
The Many Functions Of Our
Dedicated Preschool Teachers.